Concert Bands

Concert Bands

The concert bands are at the core of the students’ high school music education. These ensembles provide the students with an intimate knowledge and understanding of the structural elements of music,  music as a creative art form, the cultivation of habits, attitudes, and appreciations. The concert bands perform at quarterly concerts and adjudicated band festivals throughout the year.

Concert Band

The Concert Band focuses on a beginning – intermediate level of band literature. There is a strong emphasis on fundamentals and learning to play music with others as a cohesive group. As the fundamentals of the students become more advanced, the students audition to advance to the Symphonic Band that places increased demands on their musicianship.

Symphonic Band

The Symphonic Band focuses on an intermediate – advanced level of band literature. There is a strong emphasis on advanced fundamentals and learning to play music with others as a cohesive group.  Symphonic Band places increased demands on the student and requires a heightened degree of commitment to attaining ensemble goals.